Donate to help Anam Cara Fasagadh open Cùram Cala Retreat
Since Anam Cara Fasgadh was established, all that the charity has achieved has been due to the generosity of our fundraisers, donors and CAF supporters.
In May 2024, with Poppy’s Place nearly fully booked for the whole of 2024, the Trustees decided to launch the Cùram Cala Retreat campaign to raise funds for a second haven of peace and tranquillity.
Anam Cara Fasgadh charity was founded on 30th May 2018, following the success of cofounder Michael McGuire’s petition PE01697 calling for the abolition of child funeral fees. On the 6th anniversary of the founding of the charity, the Trustees agreed to contribute £15,000 of funds towards the Cùram Cala Retreat campaign.
Please donate what you can or chat with us about setting up your own fundraising campaign!
Cùram is Gaelic for care / protection / attentiveness, and has a deep Celtic spirituality to it ~ Cala is Gaelic for harbour / anchorage / haven ~ together they encompass our ambitions for providing love and care in a safe haven for bereaved souls.
We are very open to discussing possible sites, so if you think you know the perfect place for our next property, get in touch by emailing Irene on
Click on these buttons to find ways you can support us:-
30 May 2024
Our Trustees agree to use £15,000 of funds towards the new Campaign
9 July 2024
Donations of £452.20 received from supporters via GivTo, and £20 from a friend of the charity.
Running Total £15,472.20